
ADHD tests for school-based health centers

Our ADHD tests help educators who are working hard to identify and understand student needs earlier, manage limited resources, and support students with increasingly complex needs.

School-based health centers across the US use QbTest to provide on-site medical evaluations and medication management for improved access to high quality healthcare.

Data insights you can utilize instantly

You can reduce re-occurring discussions around students’ potential ADHD symptoms that come with subjective assessments and lack of evidence. By speeding up the process, you can action tailored interventions sooner which can result in better outcomes for your students’ performance and overall wellbeing.

Support ADHD referrals by testing in school

QbCheck is a flexible, web-based assessment on a laptop. You can administer ADHD testing in your school and capture data on core ADHD symptoms, strengthening referrals to specialists.

Having objective, evidence-based reports to support referrals can help students get appropriate and timely treatment and interventions.

Instantly generated, visual reports

Highly visual ADHD reports work as an anchor point for conversations within the school across departments and enhance communication with parents. It offers an opportunity for ESE coordinators, teachers, additional professionals supporting the child or young person, and families to work together to answer important questions and coordinate appropriate care.

A standardized test across key life transitions

Our objective tests can be used from ages 6 to 60, which means they act as a consistent measure over time for students transitioning from childhood to adolescence, to adulthood.

Most ADHD tests fail to capture the challenges of this shift, which means those interpreting the results have limited or incomparable information. Read our blog on how objective testing is a consistent measure across child and adult ADHD services.

Clinical support throughout the assessment process

Staff in schools may vary on their experience, knowledge, and training when it comes to ADHD. Utilizing an objective test can help drive conversations across departments. We support both school-based health providers and ESE specialists with comprehensive training and support.

Schools can instead allocate resources more effectively and focus on personalized support for students.

Get started today

You can speak to our expert consultants to find out which medical technology is best for your service. Book a discovery call with one of our specialists to learn how our technology can help you. 

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