Kent Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network (KSSAHSN), a part of the wider Academic Health Science Network…
Case studies
4m read
One family’s ADHD journey with QbTest
1-minute summary: Jack’s parents raised the possibility of him having ADHD when he was in Year 1 at…

2m read
Watch: Dr. Aaron Dodini & his daughter on living with ADHD
1-minute summary: Dr. Samantha Hiew, founder and director at ADHD Girls, interviews Dr. Aaron Dodini and his daughter…

Reducing wait times with QbTest & the Greenwich ADHD team
1-minute summary: This case study shares the story of how the Greenwich ADHD team for the Oxleas NHS…

Real-world success stories using our ADHD tests.
From streamlining assessment processes to improving diagnostic accuracy, our case studies offer an in-depth look at how QbTest and QbCheck have made a real difference to clinics across the world.